105 million people Central Statistical Agency Of Ethiopia 2017
4.6% EDHS 2016
Current Gaps
35.3% EDHS 2016
Unmet Needs for FP
22.3% EDHS 2016
Advocacy Key Asks
Provision of Adolescent youth-responsive services at the different health levels
Stigma, service costs, and provider bias pose formidable barriers to Ethiopian young people’s ability to access SRH services. To address these barriers, the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health with partners introduced and scaled up youth-friendly services in the Ethiopian public health system. There is need to give importance to adolescent and youth health in the effort at reaping the demographic dividend. This calls for an investment in human and physical capital that enables adolescents and young people to stay healthy, get educated, and find productive and income-generating employment
Increase Budget for family planning
The government should allocate budget for family planning
Create a Dedicated line item for FP in the national budget
When seeking to ensure financial sustainability of FP, the existence of a budget line in the MOH budget is often seen as an essential first step. The FP budget line item will increase the visibility of government support in budget prioritization, allocation and execution towards FP. There is need for the FP advocates to push for its creation so that budget decision-makers explicitly allocate resources towards FP interventions and programs.
Guiding FP Policies
Revised Pharmaceutical Supply Transformation Plan 2018-2020